View insights and events

In 10Duke Insights, view the reporting dashboards that provide insights into the actions and events taking place in your 10Duke Enterprise deployment, such as the creation of new organizations and users, user actions, and consumption of licenses.

The dashboard views are categorized into Revenue Insights, Product Insights, and Support Insights based on the type of insights they offer you on your licensing operations.

Each dashboard consists of different panels with summaries and graphs that are built from events and other key data in your 10Duke Enterprise deployment.

View the dashboards

  1. When you access Insights, you first come to the home dashboard.

    The home dashboard shows a quick overview on what’s been happening in your system recently. The dashboard shows supply vs. demand statistics on your most consumed licensed items, licensing events per event type, and the license consumption error rate.

  2. In the Insights toolbar, select Dashboards in the hamburger menu on the left.

    The dashboard list opens, with dashboards grouped into Revenue Insights, Product Insights, and Support Insights categories.

  3. Click a category to see what dashboards it contains, and click a dashboard to open it.

    The Insights dashboards work the same way in 10Duke Enterprise release 4 LTS and the latest 10Duke Enterprise release. Refer to the latest documentation for more information on the Revenue Insights, Product Insights, and Support Insights dashboards.

    Some of the dashboards have drilldown dashboards that provide more detailed reporting on the topic. It’s good to be aware that some drilldowns are not standalone dashboards, and you should always navigate to them through the “parent” dashboard. Opening this kind of a drilldown from the Dashboards list just opens the previous drilldown data you viewed, and you cannot change the data based on which the drilldown was generated.

Select time range

Many of the Insights dashboards have a default time range that it uses data from. You can see the currently used time range in the toolbar, and change it as needed.

To change the reporting time range on a dashboard, open the time picker in the toolbar, and either select one of the time range options (such as the last 30 days) or set your own time range.

The time picker shows the time zone used: change it if needed to cover the exact time range you want.

Filter by event type

On some of the Insights dashboards that use event data, the dashboard provides an eventType filter that you can use to narrow down the reporting to selected event types.

Click the eventType filter below the toolbar on the left, and change which event types are included.

Refresh data

On some of the Insights dashboards, you can refresh the dashboard to use the latest data by clicking the refresh button in the toolbar.

You can also set the dashboard to refresh automatically at selected intervals, for example, every 5 minutes. Click the arrow next to the refresh button and select an interval.

Mark as favorite

You can mark your favorite Insights dashboards with a star so that you can quickly find them later. Open the dashboard and click the star icon in the toolbar.

To find your starred favorites, filter the Dashboards list by selecting the Starred checkbox, or navigate to a favorite dashboard directly from the hamburger menu under Starred.

View and download data log

Each dashboard shows a data log panel: a table that shows events or other data currently being used by the dashboard.

Note that the data log tables only display a limited number of the latest items, so depending on your selected time frame, the log may not cover all the data that is currently being used.

You can download the data into a CSV file:

  1. In the corner of the data log panel, click the three-dot menu and select Inspect > Data.

  2. On the side panel that opens, click Download CSV on the Data tab.

Share a dashboard

You can share a link to a dashboard. The linked dashboard can only be accessed by a user who has access rights to Insights. The link includes your current filtering, for example, if you had certain event types or an organization selected.

To share a link:

  1. Click Share in the toolbar.

  2. On the Link tab, use Lock time range to define the time range for the dashboard:

    • Enable it to have the dashboard open with data from the period of time you specified.

      You can use this, for example, to show data from the specific date range you had selected. Or, if you had the time range set to the past 7 days, the dashboard will show data from the past 7 days counting from when you created the link.

    • Disable it to have the dashboard open with the default time range settings.

  3. Use Theme to have the dashboard open in light or dark mode, or the user’s current mode.

  4. Enable Shorten URL to create a short URL that doesn’t show your filtering criteria.

  5. In Link URL, click Copy to copy the URL to your clipboard.