Edit licensed items
You can edit licensed items in 10Duke SysAdmin.
You can edit the details, such as the name or display name, and define which aggregated licensed items it contains.
Edit a licensed item’s details
Changes to a licensed item’s details affect existing licenses. Existing license leases are not affected.
Before you start:
- Before changing the name of a licensed item, make sure that the client applications that consume licenses associated with this licensed item have been updated to use the new name. Otherwise consumption calls for those licenses will fail.
To edit a licensed item’s details:
In the left sidebar, go to PRODUCT CONFIGURATION > Licensed items.
In the table, select the licensed item you want to edit.
The licensed item’s details open below the table.
On the Details tab, edit the fields in the same way as when creating a licensed item.
To open the name field for editing, click Edit next to it.
Click Save.
Use aggregated licensed items
You can optionally use aggregated licensed items in other licensed items.
What are aggregated licensed items?
At its simplest, a licensed item just specifies the name of the product (or part of the product) that it represents.
There may be cases though when you want to group multiple licensed items together under one license, for example, to define a list of product features. In this case, you can create a licensed item that contains aggregated items. The license applies to the “parent” (aggregating) licensed item.
With aggregated items, you can achieve dynamic changes to existing licenses. They allow more flexibility than having to create a new product package and delete and reissue licenses every time a new product release is out.
As an example use case, you could be selling licenses that give your customers access to upgrading to and using the latest version of your software application. You release the first application version using one parent licensed item that aggregates other licensed items, and grant licenses to this parent licensed item. When you release a new version with a new feature, you add an aggregated licensed item representing this feature into the parent licensed item—all those existing licenses now provide access to that feature as well.
By using aggregated items, you can also group licensed items into a cluster to mirror client application requirements. For example, your software application might rely on checking a large number of licensed items to allow access to individual features. It’s preferable that your application only makes one license consumption call to a parent licensed item, and receives a license token that lists all the aggregated licensed items that the user has access to. The alternative would be making a large number of consumption calls to check access to each feature and having to handle multiple license tokens.
Add or remove aggregated licensed items
You can add one or more aggregated (child) licensed items to a licensed item.
You can create any combinations you need. You can use the same licensed item both independently and as a parent item, and even as a child item for another item. You can use a licensed item as a child item in one or more parent items.
The changes affect existing licenses that have already been granted to the parent licensed item.
Before you start:
- To add aggregated licensed items, make sure all the licensed items you want to add have been created.
To add aggregated licensed items:
In the left sidebar, go to PRODUCT CONFIGURATION > Licensed items.
Select the parent licensed item where you want to add aggregated items. The licensed item’s details open below the table.
Go to the Aggregated Licensed Items tab and click Add.
Search and select the licensed items you want to add and click Add.
To remove an aggregated licensed item:
Go to the Aggregated Licensed Items tab of the parent item (see above).
Click Remove for the item in the table.
(This doesn’t delete the licensed item from the system.)
Next steps
Changes to a licensed item’s details or aggregated licensed items take effect in existing licenses after the cache has been refreshed (within 10 minutes by default).
We recommend that you test the changes with client applications to make sure everything works as expected.