Revoke personal licenses from consumer users

In 10Duke SysAdmin, you can revoke personal licenses from users.

This article covers the different ways to revoke a license, either temporarily or permanently.

Suspend a personal license

To suspend a personal license, open the license for editing and deactivate it. You can later resume a suspended license from the same place if needed.

Another option is to change the validity end date to set the license as expired.

Revoke credit from a personal license

To revoke credit from a personal license, open the license for editing and revoke all the seats, use count, or use time.

Delete a personal license

You can permanently delete a personal license from a user:

  1. In SysAdmin in the left sidebar, go to ENTITLEMENTS > Personal.

  2. Select the user whose licenses you want to delete.

    The Personal Entitlement tab shows the user’s licenses.

  3. Select the licenses to delete, and in the Personal Entitlement tab toolbar, select Edit licenses > Delete.

  4. Click Confirm to confirm the deletion.

If the user is currently consuming the license, they are able to continue consuming it until the license lease expires or the client application tries to refresh the lease, whichever comes first.

If needed, you can delete all of the user’s personal licenses in one go by deleting their personal entitlement.

A license is also automatically deleted if you delete the associated licensed item or you delete the license model used by the license item.