Manage personal entitlements
In 10Duke SysAdmin, you can create and manage personal entitlements that contain consumer users’ licenses.
A consumer user must have an entitlement to store their personal licenses. A user can only have one personal entitlement.
Create a personal entitlement
Before you start:
- A personal entitlement is specific to a user, so make sure a user account has been created for the consumer customer.
To create a personal entitlement for a user:
In SysAdmin in the left sidebar, go to ENTITLEMENTS > Personal.
Select the user in the table.
If the user doesn’t have a personal entitlement yet, click Create. A dialog opens.
In Name, define a name for the entitlement. The default name contains the user ID.
In Description (optional), write a short description.
Click Save to create the entitlement.
Next steps:
- Grant personal licenses to the user in the entitlement.
Edit a personal entitlement
In SysAdmin in the left sidebar, go to ENTITLEMENTS > Personal.
Select the user in the table. Their personal entitlement is shown below.
In the Personal Entitlement tab toolbar, select Entitlement > Edit.
Edit the fields in the same way as when creating an entitlement (see above).
The changes take effect immediately.
Delete a personal entitlement
Caution: Deleting a user’s personal entitlement also deletes all of their personal licenses.
To delete a user’s personal entitlement:
In SysAdmin in the left sidebar, go to ENTITLEMENTS > Personal.
Select the user in the table. Their entitlement is shown below.
In the Personal Entitlement tab toolbar, select Entitlement > Delete.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
The changes take effect immediately.
If the user is currently consuming a license that was deleted, they are able to continue consuming the license until the license lease expires or the client application tries to refresh the lease, whichever comes first.