Query license usage and availability

Using the 10Duke Entitlement Management REST API, you can query information on license usage and what licenses are available for a user.

Query available licenses for a user

When you query the available licenses for a user, this returns information on the organization licenses that the user is authorized to use and the personal licenses they have.

To query the available licenses for a user, send a GET request to /users/{userId}/available-licenses. See details in the API reference.

You can choose whether to also retrieve expired licenses. By default, the operations don’t return licenses whose expiry date was over a year ago. If you wish to change the time threshold in your deployment, contact the 10Duke Integration Support team.

Request example

This is an example request for querying the available licenses for a user.

This example request uses curl (line breaks added for display purposes):

curl --request GET
   --url <API_base_path>/users/me/available-licenses

Response example

This is a sample response to querying a user’s available licenses. It shows information that the response body can contain:

   "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
   "validFrom": "2023-02-19T14:12:22.012Z",
   "validUntil": "2024-02-19T14:12:22.012Z",
   "active": true,
   "entitlementId": "79a605b5-f302-4c5d-bbc7-cbd58f1a9b0d",
   "licensedItem": {
      "id": "93f0b0cc-e848-4f8a-b0db-70da8e511234",
      "name": "CutXPro",
      "displayName": "CutXPro"
   "licenseModelId": "9188e9b9-12fc-4882-91eb-d433650e42dc",
   "licenseModelName": "License_Model_Seats_based",
   "seatsTaken": 0,
   "seatsReserved": 0,
   "seatsTotal": 1,
   "seatCountCredits": [{
      "id": "3d969a10-4b61-4b93-9340-5bbc6220dda7",
      "validFrom": "2023-02-19T14:12:22.012Z",
      "validUntil": "2024-02-19T14:12:22.012Z",
      "active": true,
      "licenseId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
      "licenseTransactionItemId": "4868fa9a-dccf-48d7-b789-767af81c37a0",
      "seatCount": 1,
      "seatsConsumed": 0
   "owner": {
      "id": "33e047a7-99bf-4ac5-8fea-b3d6f9d4ed1d",
      "name": "CustomerOrganization"

Query usage of a license

To query information on the usage of a particular license, send a GET request to /organizations/{orgId}/entitlements/{entId}/licenses/{licenseId}/usage. See details in the API reference.

Query licenses used by a user

To query information on the licenses that a user is currently consuming or has a seat reservation to, send a GET request to /users/{userId}/license-usage. See details in the API reference.